1) Communist China.
Republicans constantly whine about "Tax and Spend" ecomomics. They also constantly whine about Democrats being Socialists and some extremists go so far as to call them Communists. The problem? Much of the money America is borrowing, in order to avoid paying taxes, is coming from Communist China. So Republicans would cut taxes even if it means supporting an openly-Communist government.
If we, as Americans, are interested in spending money on our own interests, shouldn't that money come from us? Or would we rather just charge up our collective credit card until our Grandchildren have more debt than opportunity? And furthermore, if we are going to actively borrow money, shouldn't it come from Democratic governments?
What's it gonna be, kids?
2) Hollywood.
Why does the Right Wing care what these people think? According to them, Hollywood is full of drunks who run into trees and show off their privates. But while belittling the court of Hollywood on the one hand, the Right Wing chooses to use them as an example of liberal bias and drones on about how they're unfairly biased toward leftism.
What does the mighty Religious Right expect from Hollywood? Movie entertainers are, typically, people who aren't afraid to flash their asses at the public. They are often people who aren't embarassed to be garrish or outspoken. Other types of people, those prone to shame (like die-hard Christians for example) often can't commit to portrayal of challenging characters and situations because they are often too concerned with how they will be viewed by God and Family. It doesn't mean they are either good people or bad people. They're simply not the Hollywood type.
That being said, the constituency of the Right Wing doesn't seem to have any problem paying millions of dollars per year to watch these same entertainers behave in these awful ways. The typically Republican-biased television mogul FOX will take billions in advertising dollars every year to broadcast Holywood television shows, not to mention the Infotainment programs that over-examine every portion of Hollywood performers' smutty lives. You can't have it both ways, friends. If you're going to profit from debauchery, you have no right to complain about the form it takes.
3) The Democrat Congress.
Republicans are happy to call out the Democratic Congress for failing to take action in their majority during the last two years. But what about the twelve years before that? Republicans have been in charge for a long time. What have they been doing? Spending money borrowed from Communist China. Sure, these Democrats, full of promise, have spent more time trying to one-up GWB than they have addressing the issues that concern us. But the RWSM would have us believe that our problems are all their fault.
4) FOX News says Democrats are Racists.
Today I watched FOX News ("Hannity and Colmes") say that 4% of Democrats have negative feelings about African-Americans. An hour later on "On The Record" they said it was 25%. And later on The O'Reilly Factor they say 1/3 (33.3% repeating for all the non-mathmaticians like me). So within the course of two hours, FOX News' "Democrats-as-racists" figure goes up almost 20 percentage points. Hey Bill O'Reilly... how much spin is supposed to exist in the no-spin zone? Get consistent, dude.
5) Al Franken and FOX News.
Look. We've never really liked Al Franken's comedy very much. Some of us enjoyed his book, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" but most of his old SNL 'Weekend Update' appearances failed to make us laugh.
The Right-Wing Spin Machine wants to kick at him for their recent sketch wherein McCain approves political messages based on half-truths.
McCain's campaign has published easily-disproven "facts" and the idea that the honorable John McCain of the Straight-Talk Express would approve campaign messages with out-and-out lies is a legitimate topic and an easy parody.
We also take exception with all the Conservatives who make a point of saying "Barak Hussein Obama" when speaking of the Democrat nominee. We don't say "Sarah Louise Heath Palin" or "John Sidney McCain". The only reason the Republican Spin Machine mentions Obama's middle name is to equate him with a mass-murdering dictator - installed by one of our former Republican administrations, incidentally.
6) Democrats and the Two-Party Monopoly.
Yes, we know "mono" means "one". It's a joke.
We The People are looking for elected officials who represent our collective interests. Democrats don't always fit the bill and neither do Republicans. Sometimes the Green Party represents us. Sometimes it's the Libertarians. Sometimes the Constitution Party is best-equipped for the job. Do any of these parties get to participate? No. They get shut out of debates and ridiculed by the two-party media. I want a person to represent my interests... not a corporation. The Democrat Party and the Republican Party might as well be corporations, seeing as how they actively try to sell a product. Our Founding Fathers weren't interested in dual-party control. They were interested in free discourse.
This government was bought and sold a long time ago. The Electoral College is a means to keep the voters from being accurately represented. Think about it. Let's say, for example, we have a state with four Electoral College points. 25% of We The People in that state vote for Candidate X. All four of the state's electoral college votes go to Candidate Z instead of a more accurate three. That means that one quarter of the population of the state is not being accurately represented in the national picture. It is a dangerous oversimplification of majority rule that causes candidates to see the United States as 50 "contests".
If every Electoral College vote had to be earned, candidates would have to work harder for votes and thereby consider more viewpoints of The People they seek to serve.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Right Wing Spin Machine (RWSM)
Al Franken,
Bill O'Reilly,
FOX News,
Sean Hannity,
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